Follow along as we build a next gen NFT marketplace — Mintable v2.0 — Dev Update 5

2 weeks away from launching our v2.0 — which has features that will push the NFT ecosystem forward!

Note: has been replaced by a landing page for the next 2 weeks until our launch. So you won’t be able to buy any discount NFTs, and you won’t be able to manage/mint new NFTs on your items you’ve made. But we needed to do this to test different functionality! Sorry!

Before we dive into what’s coming — what is Mintable

A next gen NFT marketplace

Our v2.0 focuses mainly on providing a new type of NFT marketplace — one that mixes a series of web 2.0 marketplace features we are all used to, with the cutting edge technology of NFTs. We will no longer be focusing on providing a tool to manage NFTs, but instead focusing on helping creators and buyers trade and create NFTs. We are now focusing on being the most flexible NFT creator’s tool ever made, as well as the best NFT marketplace with features no other marketplace has.

With each weekly update we share some of the features coming up, today we will be covering the updates we did over the last week.

Next Gen Features — it looks like a real ecommerce marketplace!

Messaging for buyers and sellers

Just like on etsy, amazon, or ebay — you can message the seller of an item to get more details, or the seller can contact the buyer to ask them to submit a payment on an auction they won. Mintable will also have this — it will be the only NFT marketplace with messaging! (but we are sure many other marketplaces will follow suit)

Explaining to a buyer about the NFT I’m selling

Promote your listings

Instead of having your NFT be lost in the hundreds of thousands of other NFTs for sale on a marketplace — now you can promote yourself and your listings to get more views.

On our zilliqa marketplace — some of the promoted NFTs have gotten over 20,000 views!! Its extremely easy to promote your items, you pay in ETH, and you can set all the details of your promotion, just like on etsy, or amazon.

Creating a promoted listing

Your History

Of course you’ll need to be able to see every transaction you’ve performed on Mintable — so we show it to you!

OUCH! I got a 1 star review

Track all of your reviews from buyers in your profile — so that you can keep up to date with what your customers are asking for. Do they like your NFT? Do you have a high rating? Every review can be seen, sorted by rating or time. This is very important for ensuring that your reputation is maintained and as a means to combat fraud/fake NFTs.

Dev updates/Progress

This week we have done a lot of work. Mainly all focused on finishing the profile section, finishing the messaging functionality, fixing bugs, and working on the landing page that replaced until launch.

We have finalized the profile section completely, the messaging system completely, and the landing page this week.

QA team:

Has been testing the profile section and interaction between buying NFTs, updating profiles, and tracking everything for you to track in your profile. They are making great progress getting everything tested — faster than we can code for them to break!

Dev work:

Since we have finished the profile sections, which was a huge hurdle as they are quite complex and large, we are ready to move on.

We went into messaging and built the messaging system within a few days and its now done and ready.

We built the landing page for and a way for you to sign up for updates.

We are now looking to work on some of the more important core functionality, specifically selling any NFT on the blockchain.

Next steps for this week:

Now we are ready to work on selling any NFT that follows the ERC-721 standard. What we have done so far is only for Mintable NFTs, but now its time to sell any NFT in your wallet. So that will be the goal of this week, it should only take 3 days or so to have it complete. Then we can start testing it.

After that — we will be building the DAO proposals and voting section, as well as the main DAO landing page — where you can see all of your MINTs (Votes for the DAO) and buy MINT NFTs if you want to.

After that — we will move into the Go Pro pages and checkout process, then start finalizing small little tasks that we have left for end — including the documentation.

We are trying to move at a breakneck pace — as we only have 14 days left before launching. So send us a tweet to show some support — because we’ve been working 12–15 hour days every day! What an amazing team we have.

Check us out and stay tuned for next Sunday’s update

This week we went on 4 different shows to talk about the future of the NFT ecosystem:

The Nifty Show:

Not another bitcoin podcast:

Non-fungerbils: Not published yet.

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