NFT platform, Mintable, joins LongHash x Zilliqa accelerator program ZILHive


The non-fungible token creator/management platform,, has been accepted into Longhash and Zilliqa’s prestigious accelerator.

A match made in heaven

Non-Fungible Token (NFT) platform, Mintable, is confirmed to be joining the blockchain accelerator program, ZILHive. The twelve week program is supported by collaboration between Zilliqa, a global blockchain protocol and LongHash, a global blockchain incubator. Mintable will participate alongside four additional projects for ZILhive’s kickoff on October 1st.

ZILHive’s program includes hands on workshops, mentor engagement, technical consulting and concludes with a Demo Day. Interaction with the Zilliqa community will aid in product launches as well as opportunities for further funding. The selected projects can also qualify for Zilliqa’s Ecosystem Grant Prorgramme with funding of up to US $20,000 at the successful conclusion of ZILHive.

ZILHive is a collaborative program between Longhash and Zilliqa

New Era Digital Files Marketplace

Mintable is a service intent on helping grow the adoption of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). To do so, Mintable continues to build out the tools offered for, both, creators as well as the end-users who need a space to manage their digital collectibles. The decentralized application’s (dApp) beta went live in March of this year supporting Ethereum’s ERC-721 standard. The ZILHive collaboration represents an opportunity for the Mintable platform to expand features and more as the team works toward full launch. — Tokenize digital items in seconds is live now.

Jesse Johnson, co-founder of Mintable, recently spoke about what it means to be a part of the ZILHive cohort, “Working alongside Longhash and Ziliqa is very exciting… these are some of the absolute best in their respective fields so working together means Mintable gets to full launch with something better, faster.”

Singapore Slinging

The Mintable team will be relocating to Singapore for the duration of the program. “The level of blockchain activity [in Singapore] is overly dynamic,” Co-founder, Zach Burks added, “This is exactly the right place for our team to establish roots and work within a community that already has momentum on so many fronts.”

The city state is home to some of the world’s most notable blockchain developers and companies to date including the likes of Zilliqa, Kyber Network, Digix, TenX and many more.

Singapore lays claim to one of the most active blockchain development communities.

About Longhash

LongHash is the first global blockchain incubator supported by the Singapore government. They have a network of 6 offices across Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Berlin, Zug and Singapore. For more information about the ZILHive program visit

About Zilliqa

Zilliqa (ZIL) is a scalable, secure public blockchain platform centered around the idea of ‘Sharding’ and is designed to enhance the scalability of cryptocurrency networks such as Ethereum. Zilliqa’s high throughput means that developers can focus on fleshing out their ideas rather than worrying about network congestion. Visit to learn more.

About Mintable

Mintable is the new era digital files marketplace that allows you to easily create, manage, browse, and exchange non-fungible tokens on the Ethereum network. The platform is the one stop solution for all things NFT servicing both the creatives and the collectors. Mintable does the heavy lifting, allowing everyone accessibility to the new token economy. Start today at

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